08 October 2006


Well it was my birthday on Saturday and I got given mostly money so that suited me and I bought lots of fun things. I also got back from visiting Amy up in Canterbury, on Thursday evening. We had a great time and spend Tuesday catching up and then Wednesday shopping in Christchurch and then we and a friend of mine went out for dinner at a very cheesy place which was great fun and very yummie! Thursday I did some more shopping! I am not a big fan of flying but the plane trip back was lovely, great views of the mountains and lakes.

So I did some shopping yesterday and got some more tops from Just Jeans and I got a really nice WW Cupcake book and lots of other things.

I also rented Over the Hedge out the other day and watched it - little kid style!

Oh I also sent my application off to University (fingers crossed) and I have decided to buy a laptop with the money Dad sent so thats exciting.

Also since it was my birthday the other day a few days back I was digging out old pictures of me and the family to have a laugh and I found this one....my first pink polo shirt!


Monogram Momma said...

Happy Birthday, Rachael!

Shopaholic D said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a pretty good time...good luck w/ your college applications!

:) D

CBM said...

Happy Birthday!

And what a cute picture!

Anonymous said...

Your first polo shirt - I love it!