29 August 2006


Good morning.

Well I applied for
Halls of Residence on Saturday!!! That's right I am going back to study after being away from it for over a year. I am hopefully going to enrol in the Uni Prep Course that they offer for people who have been away from study, it also guarantees you a place in the degree you want the following year. It is only a six month course and starts at the end of Feb and runs through till June/July.

This way I can hopefully enrol in my BA the following year and the the Grap.Dip.Teaching. as I want to be a Primary Teacher.

I am so excited but I have to say the idea of 5 years of study is a tad daunting. But I suppose thats expected after being away from it.

There are four main university's in New Zealand in my opinion (in reality there are about 9) Lincoln, Wellington, Otago and Canterbury. Auckland is a main one but since there is no way in hell I am moving to Auckland to study I will rule that one out.

Lincoln is noted for its Management and Rural Courses and Degrees and for exsessive beer drinking.

Otago is noted for its Medical and Law Courses and Degrees and being the wildest University in New Zealand. Dunedin is a true Student Town.

Wellington is great for Music and lots of other things but its to far away to be bothered.

And Canterbury...ahh...Canterbury is my choice its a tradition University. Don't get my wrong its sees some wild times and all but it kind of reminds me of Oxford or Cambridge.

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