28 May 2006

New fone for Amy =)

Ello ...
Yeah... so i ended up getting a new fone lol im so excited! need to buy a storage card or something for it b4 i can store music and all that on it but its supa cool - u like??
Thats no good with the jobs, I'tl happen tho - you haven't handed in your notice yet have you?
Doing Hw this afternoon grrr life is so boring!
I went to rite back to you this morning (didn't happen last nite... was too engrossed in Wimbleton - you are sooo rite, my new favourite movei) ...neways.... and I don't have ANY more heinus (certain I didn't spell that rite, kinda looks like hernia eh lol) writing paper or cards, so gots to go shopping for some more supplies - so you miss out there, sowi.
Yeh the weathers pretty adverage here too... not raining but all grey and depressing. I so wana come down in winter, fully planning on it, but am about $600 down after my latest purchase lol so will have to see. Have to go skiing =)
The makeups pretty, u kno me, not really a makeup girl, got lots just don't wear it much but yeh, very cool.
K gtg now, catch you lata~!
Love amy xoxox

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