03 June 2006

The Italian Rugby Team!

Good Morning Rach!!!
Hows it all going... Just thought I'd make a quick post before I head off to work. It's such a loverly day too... red sky and a kinda fresh winter feeling - makes me want to go skiing really!
(P.S.- Can't read yellow font on the page b4 last grrr...but am too dumb to work out how to change it otherwise I would have already!)
Listening to K T Tundstells new album at the mo, quite liking it actually, well worth it.
No, can't say I knew about this Lily stuff, (prob cos I'm just not preppy enough!), but very cool anyways eh?!
Lol am loving the hat too heaps!
Well exams are all over now, didn't actually do too bad (wellllll.... from the results I've got back - STILL haven't seen Chemistry and History)
K.... so the coolest thing about my new fone, you can download pics / music / and videos directly onto my fone wirelessly from the computer using bluetooth.... my wallpaper at the mo......

So..... Ah.... this is the Italian Rugby team...Um not half bad eh? neways... I was rather impressed!!! I know it's not fashion but still worth a decent look!

Rite... off to make my favourites list now then get ready for work!

Love Amy xox

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