26 July 2006

A Long Week

Hi there
Well this week (and yes I am aware its only Wednesday) has been...I can't even think of a word. On Sunday morning I found Neo lying at the side of the road at the end of the driveway. He was only two and I'm still very upset as he was my first cat and my little bubble!
However he made me realise that we should move back to Christchurch. Moving down to Queenstown was a big move as we knew no one and its an isolating place - so we have decided to move back to the busy city we love to Christchurch! So things have been a little rough this week and some big decisions have been made. I'm excitied about going back and can't wait to see you Amy. Won't be up today (Wednesday) like I thought as plans have changed and I'm going to stay down until the house etc are dealt with too. However life (and the blog) must go on.
I haven't done much shopping this week I did recieve some lovely pearl and silver studs from our neightbours from Michael Hill which are really pretty and I recieved my new jeans in the mail.To add to my 'Box Set DVD's I have watched' post I have now also seen Sex in The City Season 5 and Will & Grace Season 1!
Looking forward to the Weekly Round-Up!

1 comment:

TessaJ said...

Oh no :(

I'm so sorry about your kitty.